Learning curve analysis¶
Yangkang Chen
Jan 12, 2024
This notebook is to show the advantages of AdaSTEM
framework compared to naive bulk modeling method.
The task we explore here will be the same as AdaSTEM demo: Predict the abundance of Mallard (a bird species) based on environmental variables. The data were requested from eBird, a citizen science project for bird observation, and with some variable annotation.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import random
from tqdm.auto import tqdm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
import warnings
import pickle
import os
from stemflow.model.AdaSTEM import AdaSTEM, AdaSTEMClassifier, AdaSTEMRegressor
from xgboost import XGBClassifier, XGBRegressor
from stemflow.model.Hurdle import Hurdle_for_AdaSTEM, Hurdle
from stemflow.model_selection import ST_CV
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
Please download the sample data from:
Suppose now it's downloaded and saved as './Sample_data_Mallard.csv'
Alternatively, you can try other species like
- Alder Flycatcher: https://figshare.com/articles/dataset/Sample_data_Alder_Flycatcher_csv/24080751
- Short-eared Owl: https://figshare.com/articles/dataset/Sample_data_Short-eared_Owl_csv/24080742
- Eurasian Tree Sparrow: https://figshare.com/articles/dataset/Sample_data_Eurasian_Tree_Sparrow_csv/24080748
Caveat: These bird observation data are about 200MB each file.
Load data¶
data = pd.read_csv(f'./Sample_data_Mallard.csv')
data = data.drop('sampling_event_identifier', axis=1)
Determine the gradient of learning curve analysis¶
volume_list = [10000, 50000, 100000, 200000, 400000]
Learning curve analysis¶
In the following section, we explore the model performance of AdaSTEM model
and naive hurdle model
, both with the same base model – XGB.
We compare the model performance in terms of different data volume input: 10000, 50000, 100000, 200000 and 400000
Metrics are calculated for both classification ('AUC', 'kappa', 'f1', 'precision', 'recall', 'average_precision')
and regression ('Spearman_r', 'Pearson_r', 'R2', 'MAE', 'MSE', 'poisson_deviance_explained')
def get_X_and_y(data):
X = data.drop('count', axis=1)
y = data['count'].values
return X, y
all_metric_list = []
for volume in volume_list:
if volume == 400000:
tmp_data = data
tmp_data = data.sample(volume, replace=False)
# Get X and y
X, y = get_X_and_y(tmp_data)
# First thing first: Spatio-temporal train test split
CV_generator = ST_CV(X, y,
Spatio_blocks_count = 50, Temporal_blocks_count=50,
for cv_count, (X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test) in enumerate(CV_generator):
# 1. Train AdaSTEM hurdle model
model = AdaSTEMRegressor(
classifier=XGBClassifier(tree_method='hist',random_state=42, verbosity = 0, n_jobs=1),
regressor=XGBRegressor(tree_method='hist',random_state=42, verbosity = 0, n_jobs=1)
save_gridding_plot = True,
Spatio2 = 'latitude',
Temporal1 = 'DOY',
## fit adastem
model.fit(X_train.reset_index(drop=True), y_train, verbosity=0)
# Evaluation
pred_adastem = model.predict(X_test, verbosity=0)
perc = np.sum(np.isnan(pred_adastem.flatten()))/len(pred_adastem.flatten())
print(f'Data volume {volume}, CV {cv_count}: AdaSTEM percentage not predictable {round(perc*100, 2)}%')
# 2. Compare to simple Hurdle model
model_SH = Hurdle(classifier=XGBClassifier(tree_method='hist',random_state=42, verbosity = 0, n_jobs=1),
regressor=XGBRegressor(tree_method='hist',random_state=42, verbosity = 0, n_jobs=1))
model_SH.fit(X_train[[i for i in X_train.columns if not i in ['longitude','latitude']]], y_train)
pred_SH = model_SH.predict(X_test[[i for i in X_train.columns if not i in ['longitude','latitude']]])
# 3. save metrics
pred_df = pd.DataFrame({
'y_pred_adastem':np.where(pred_adastem.flatten()<0, 0, pred_adastem.flatten()),
'y_pred_SH':np.where(np.array(pred_SH).flatten()<0, 0, np.array(pred_SH).flatten())
}).dropna() # to make sure that all points are both predicatble by adastem and simple hurdle model
## 3.1 adastem metrics
metric_dict = AdaSTEM.eval_STEM_res('hurdle', pred_df.y_true, pred_df.y_pred_adastem)
metric_dict['X_train_size'] = X_train.shape[0]
metric_dict['CV'] = cv_count
metric_dict['perc_not_predictable'] = perc
metric_dict['model'] = 'AdaSTEM'
metric_dict['Train_test_data_volume'] = volume
## 3.2 simple hurdle metrics
metric_dict = AdaSTEM.eval_STEM_res('hurdle', np.array(pred_df.y_true).flatten(),
metric_dict['X_train_size'] = X_train.shape[0]
metric_dict['CV'] = cv_count
metric_dict['perc_not_predictable'] = np.nan
metric_dict['model'] = 'XGBoostHurdle'
metric_dict['Train_test_data_volume'] = volume
Data volume 10000, CV 0: AdaSTEM percentage not predictable 38.96% Data volume 10000, CV 1: AdaSTEM percentage not predictable 38.47% Data volume 10000, CV 2: AdaSTEM percentage not predictable 43.53% Data volume 10000, CV 3: AdaSTEM percentage not predictable 44.23% Data volume 10000, CV 4: AdaSTEM percentage not predictable 35.58% Data volume 50000, CV 0: AdaSTEM percentage not predictable 15.26% Data volume 50000, CV 1: AdaSTEM percentage not predictable 13.64% Data volume 50000, CV 2: AdaSTEM percentage not predictable 15.53% Data volume 50000, CV 3: AdaSTEM percentage not predictable 16.17% Data volume 50000, CV 4: AdaSTEM percentage not predictable 14.52% Data volume 100000, CV 0: AdaSTEM percentage not predictable 8.9% Data volume 100000, CV 1: AdaSTEM percentage not predictable 8.69% Data volume 100000, CV 2: AdaSTEM percentage not predictable 8.78% Data volume 100000, CV 3: AdaSTEM percentage not predictable 9.14% Data volume 100000, CV 4: AdaSTEM percentage not predictable 8.94% Data volume 200000, CV 0: AdaSTEM percentage not predictable 5.72% Data volume 200000, CV 1: AdaSTEM percentage not predictable 5.88% Data volume 200000, CV 2: AdaSTEM percentage not predictable 6.46% Data volume 200000, CV 3: AdaSTEM percentage not predictable 5.47% Data volume 200000, CV 4: AdaSTEM percentage not predictable 6.27% Data volume 400000, CV 0: AdaSTEM percentage not predictable 3.38% Data volume 400000, CV 1: AdaSTEM percentage not predictable 3.99% Data volume 400000, CV 2: AdaSTEM percentage not predictable 3.25% Data volume 400000, CV 3: AdaSTEM percentage not predictable 3.62% Data volume 400000, CV 4: AdaSTEM percentage not predictable 3.9%
We see that as data volume increases, the model covers larger space and time, and is increasingly capable of predicting more spatiotemporal units.
all_metric_df = pd.DataFrame(all_metric_list)
We save the metrics for plotting.
Plot learning curve metrics¶
for var_ in ['AUC', 'kappa', 'f1', 'precision', 'recall', 'average_precision',
'Spearman_r', 'Pearson_r', 'R2', 'MAE', 'MSE',
sub = all_metric_df[all_metric_df.model=='AdaSTEM']
label = 'AdaSTEM'
sub = all_metric_df[all_metric_df.model=='XGBoostHurdle']
label='XGBoost Hurdle'
plt.xlabel('Sample size')
classification tasks:
- AdaSTEM shows significant superiority in most metrics. Except for one: it has lower precision than naive hurdle model.
- As the data volume increase, the superiority is increasingly magnified.
- For small sample size (e.g., 10000), AdaSTEM may not have better performance and could be worse than naive models.
Regression tasks:
- We did not observed significant difference between the two modeling framework.
- However, as the data volume keeps increasing, we would expect some superiority of AdaSTEM based on my experience.
from watermark import watermark
Last updated: 2023-09-19T18:52:18.085744+08:00 Python implementation: CPython Python version : 3.9.7 IPython version : 8.14.0 Compiler : Clang 11.1.0 OS : Darwin Release : 21.6.0 Machine : arm64 Processor : arm CPU cores : 8 Architecture: 64bit stemflow : 0.0.24 numpy : 1.24.3 scipy : 1.10.1 pandas : 2.0.3 xgboost : 1.7.6 tqdm : 4.65.0 matplotlib : 3.7.1 h3pandas : 0.2.4 geopandas : 0.11.1 scikit-learn: 0.0