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Source code in stemflow/
class ST_KFold:
    def __init__(
        Spatio1: str = "longitude",
        Spatio2: str = "latitude",
        Temporal1: str = "DOY",
        Spatio_blocks_count: int = 10,
        Temporal_blocks_count: int = 10,
        random_state: Union[np.random.RandomState, None, int] = None,
        n_splits: int = 3,
    ) -> None:
        """Spatial Temporal KFold generator class. While the ST_CV functions yield the data directly (X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test),
            this ST_KFold class generate only indices, which match the KFold class in sklearn.model_selection.

                column name of spatial indicator 1
                column name of spatial indicator 2
                column name of temporal indicator 1
                How many block to split for spatio indicators
                How many block to split for temporal indicators
                random state for choosing testing blocks
                fold cross validation

            train_indexes, test_indexes

            from sklearn.model_selection import KFold
            ST_KFold_generator = ST_KFold(n_splits=5,
                    Spatio1 = "longitude",
                    Spatio2 = "latitude",
                    Temporal1 = "DOY",
                    Spatio_blocks_count = 10,
                    Temporal_blocks_count = 10,
                    random_state = 42).split(X)

            for train_indexes, test_indexes in ST_KFold_generator:
                X_train = X.iloc[train_indexes,:]
                X_test = X.iloc[test_indexes,:]


        self.rng = check_random_state(random_state)
        self.Spatio1 = Spatio1
        self.Spatio2 = Spatio2
        self.Temporal1 = Temporal1
        self.Spatio_blocks_count = Spatio_blocks_count
        self.Temporal_blocks_count = Temporal_blocks_count
        self.n_splits = n_splits

        if not (isinstance(n_splits, int) and n_splits > 0):
            raise ValueError("CV should be a positive integer")

    def split(self, X: DataFrame) -> Generator[Tuple[ndarray, ndarray], None, None]:

                Training variables
            Generator[Tuple[ndarray, ndarray], None, None]: train_index, test_index

        # validate
        if not isinstance(X, DataFrame):
            type_x = str(type(X))
            raise TypeError(f"X input should be pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, Got {type_x}")

        # indexing
        Sindex1 = np.linspace(X[self.Spatio1].min(), X[self.Spatio1].max(), self.Spatio_blocks_count)
        Sindex2 = np.linspace(X[self.Spatio2].min(), X[self.Spatio2].max(), self.Spatio_blocks_count)
        Tindex1 = np.linspace(X[self.Temporal1].min(), X[self.Temporal1].max(), self.Temporal_blocks_count)

        indexes = [
            str(a) + "_" + str(b) + "_" + str(c)
            for a, b, c in zip(
                np.digitize(X[self.Spatio1], Sindex1),
                np.digitize(X[self.Spatio2], Sindex2),
                np.digitize(X[self.Temporal1], Tindex1),

        unique_indexes = list(np.unique(indexes))
        test_size = int(len(unique_indexes) * (1 / self.n_splits))

        tmp_table = pd.DataFrame({"index": range(len(indexes)), "cell": indexes})

        for cv_count in range(self.n_splits):
            # get test set record indexes
            test_indexes = []
            start = cv_count * test_size
            end = np.min([(cv_count + 1) * test_size, len(unique_indexes) + 1])
            test_cell = unique_indexes[start:end]

            tmp_this_CV_table = tmp_table[tmp_table["cell"].isin(test_cell)]
            test_indexes = tmp_this_CV_table["index"].values

            # get train set record indexes
            train_indexes = list(set(range(len(indexes))) - set(test_indexes))

            yield train_indexes, test_indexes

__init__(Spatio1='longitude', Spatio2='latitude', Temporal1='DOY', Spatio_blocks_count=10, Temporal_blocks_count=10, random_state=None, n_splits=3)

Spatial Temporal KFold generator class. While the ST_CV functions yield the data directly (X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test), this ST_KFold class generate only indices, which match the KFold class in sklearn.model_selection.


  • Spatio1 (str, default: 'longitude' ) –

    column name of spatial indicator 1

  • Spatio2 (str, default: 'latitude' ) –

    column name of spatial indicator 2

  • Temporal1 (str, default: 'DOY' ) –

    column name of temporal indicator 1

  • Spatio_blocks_count (int, default: 10 ) –

    How many block to split for spatio indicators

  • Temporal_blocks_count (int, default: 10 ) –

    How many block to split for temporal indicators

  • random_state (Union[RandomState, None, int], default: None ) –

    random state for choosing testing blocks

  • n_splits (int, default: 3 ) –

    fold cross validation


  • None

    train_indexes, test_indexes

from sklearn.model_selection import KFold
ST_KFold_generator = ST_KFold(n_splits=5,
        Spatio1 = "longitude",
        Spatio2 = "latitude",
        Temporal1 = "DOY",
        Spatio_blocks_count = 10,
        Temporal_blocks_count = 10,
        random_state = 42).split(X)

for train_indexes, test_indexes in ST_KFold_generator:
    X_train = X.iloc[train_indexes,:]
    X_test = X.iloc[test_indexes,:]
Source code in stemflow/
def __init__(
    Spatio1: str = "longitude",
    Spatio2: str = "latitude",
    Temporal1: str = "DOY",
    Spatio_blocks_count: int = 10,
    Temporal_blocks_count: int = 10,
    random_state: Union[np.random.RandomState, None, int] = None,
    n_splits: int = 3,
) -> None:
    """Spatial Temporal KFold generator class. While the ST_CV functions yield the data directly (X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test),
        this ST_KFold class generate only indices, which match the KFold class in sklearn.model_selection.

            column name of spatial indicator 1
            column name of spatial indicator 2
            column name of temporal indicator 1
            How many block to split for spatio indicators
            How many block to split for temporal indicators
            random state for choosing testing blocks
            fold cross validation

        train_indexes, test_indexes

        from sklearn.model_selection import KFold
        ST_KFold_generator = ST_KFold(n_splits=5,
                Spatio1 = "longitude",
                Spatio2 = "latitude",
                Temporal1 = "DOY",
                Spatio_blocks_count = 10,
                Temporal_blocks_count = 10,
                random_state = 42).split(X)

        for train_indexes, test_indexes in ST_KFold_generator:
            X_train = X.iloc[train_indexes,:]
            X_test = X.iloc[test_indexes,:]


    self.rng = check_random_state(random_state)
    self.Spatio1 = Spatio1
    self.Spatio2 = Spatio2
    self.Temporal1 = Temporal1
    self.Spatio_blocks_count = Spatio_blocks_count
    self.Temporal_blocks_count = Temporal_blocks_count
    self.n_splits = n_splits

    if not (isinstance(n_splits, int) and n_splits > 0):
        raise ValueError("CV should be a positive integer")




  • X (DataFrame) –

    Training variables

Yields: Generator[Tuple[ndarray, ndarray], None, None]: train_index, test_index

Source code in stemflow/
def split(self, X: DataFrame) -> Generator[Tuple[ndarray, ndarray], None, None]:

            Training variables
        Generator[Tuple[ndarray, ndarray], None, None]: train_index, test_index

    # validate
    if not isinstance(X, DataFrame):
        type_x = str(type(X))
        raise TypeError(f"X input should be pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, Got {type_x}")

    # indexing
    Sindex1 = np.linspace(X[self.Spatio1].min(), X[self.Spatio1].max(), self.Spatio_blocks_count)
    Sindex2 = np.linspace(X[self.Spatio2].min(), X[self.Spatio2].max(), self.Spatio_blocks_count)
    Tindex1 = np.linspace(X[self.Temporal1].min(), X[self.Temporal1].max(), self.Temporal_blocks_count)

    indexes = [
        str(a) + "_" + str(b) + "_" + str(c)
        for a, b, c in zip(
            np.digitize(X[self.Spatio1], Sindex1),
            np.digitize(X[self.Spatio2], Sindex2),
            np.digitize(X[self.Temporal1], Tindex1),

    unique_indexes = list(np.unique(indexes))
    test_size = int(len(unique_indexes) * (1 / self.n_splits))

    tmp_table = pd.DataFrame({"index": range(len(indexes)), "cell": indexes})

    for cv_count in range(self.n_splits):
        # get test set record indexes
        test_indexes = []
        start = cv_count * test_size
        end = np.min([(cv_count + 1) * test_size, len(unique_indexes) + 1])
        test_cell = unique_indexes[start:end]

        tmp_this_CV_table = tmp_table[tmp_table["cell"].isin(test_cell)]
        test_indexes = tmp_this_CV_table["index"].values

        # get train set record indexes
        train_indexes = list(set(range(len(indexes))) - set(test_indexes))

        yield train_indexes, test_indexes

ST_CV(X, y, Spatio1='longitude', Spatio2='latitude', Temporal1='DOY', Spatio_blocks_count=10, Temporal_blocks_count=10, random_state=None, CV=3)

A function to generate spatiotemporal train-test-split data. To only generate indexes, see class ST_Kfold.


  • X (DataFrame) –

    Training variables

  • y (Sequence) –

    Training target

  • Spatio1 (str, default: 'longitude' ) –

    column name of spatial indicator 1

  • Spatio2 (str, default: 'latitude' ) –

    column name of spatial indicator 2

  • Temporal1 (str, default: 'DOY' ) –

    column name of temporal indicator 1

  • Spatio_blocks_count (int, default: 10 ) –

    How many block to split for spatio indicators

  • Temporal_blocks_count (int, default: 10 ) –

    How many block to split for temporal indicators

  • random_state (Union[RandomState, None, int], default: None ) –

    random state for choosing testing blocks

  • CV (int, default: 3 ) –

    fold cross validation


  • None

    X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test

Source code in stemflow/
def ST_CV(
    X: DataFrame,
    y: Sequence,
    Spatio1: str = "longitude",
    Spatio2: str = "latitude",
    Temporal1: str = "DOY",
    Spatio_blocks_count: int = 10,
    Temporal_blocks_count: int = 10,
    random_state: Union[np.random.RandomState, None, int] = None,
    CV: int = 3,
) -> Generator[Tuple[DataFrame, DataFrame, ndarray, ndarray], None, None]:
    """A function to generate spatiotemporal train-test-split data. To only generate indexes, see class `ST_Kfold`.

            Training variables
            Training target
            column name of spatial indicator 1
            column name of spatial indicator 2
            column name of temporal indicator 1
            How many block to split for spatio indicators
            How many block to split for temporal indicators
            random state for choosing testing blocks
            fold cross validation

        X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test

    # random seed
    rng = check_random_state(random_state)

    # validate
    if not isinstance(X, DataFrame):
        type_x = str(type(X))
        raise TypeError(f"X input should be pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, Got {type_x}")
    if not (isinstance(y, DataFrame) or isinstance(y, ndarray)):
        type_y = str(type(y))
        raise TypeError(f"y input should be pandas.core.frame.DataFrame or numpy.ndarray, Got {type_y}")
    if not (isinstance(CV, int) and CV > 0):
        raise ValueError("CV should be a positive integer")

    # check shape match
    y_size = np.array(y).flatten().shape[0]
    X_size = X.shape[0]
    if not y_size == X_size:
        raise ValueError(f"The shape of X and y should match. Got X: {X_size}, y: {y_size}")

    # indexing
    Sindex1 = np.linspace(X[Spatio1].min(), X[Spatio1].max(), Spatio_blocks_count)
    Sindex2 = np.linspace(X[Spatio2].min(), X[Spatio2].max(), Spatio_blocks_count)
    Tindex1 = np.linspace(X[Temporal1].min(), X[Temporal1].max(), Temporal_blocks_count)

    indexes = [
        str(a) + "_" + str(b) + "_" + str(c)
        for a, b, c in zip(
            np.digitize(X[Spatio1], Sindex1), np.digitize(X[Spatio2], Sindex2), np.digitize(X[Temporal1], Tindex1)

    unique_indexes = list(np.unique(indexes))
    test_size = int(len(unique_indexes) * (1 / CV))

    tmp_table = pd.DataFrame({"index": range(len(indexes)), "cell": indexes})

    for cv_count in range(CV):
        # get test set record indexes
        test_indexes = []
        start = cv_count * test_size
        end = np.min([(cv_count + 1) * test_size, len(unique_indexes) + 1])
        test_cell = unique_indexes[start:end]

        tmp_this_CV_table = tmp_table[tmp_table["cell"].isin(test_cell)]
        test_indexes = tmp_this_CV_table["index"].values

        # get train set record indexes
        train_indexes = list(set(range(len(indexes))) - set(test_indexes))

        # get train test data
        X_train = X.iloc[train_indexes, :]
        y_train = np.array(y).flatten()[train_indexes].reshape(-1, 1)
        X_test = X.iloc[test_indexes, :]
        y_test = np.array(y).flatten()[test_indexes].reshape(-1, 1)

        yield X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test

ST_train_test_split(X, y, Spatio1='longitude', Spatio2='latitude', Temporal1='DOY', Spatio_blocks_count=10, Temporal_blocks_count=10, test_size=0.3, random_state=None)

Spatial Temporal train-test split


  • X (DataFrame) –

    Training variables in DataFrame format

  • y (Sequence) –

    Training target in DataFrame or numpy array format

  • Spatio1 (str, default: 'longitude' ) –

    column name of spatial indicator 1

  • Spatio2 (str, default: 'latitude' ) –

    column name of spatial indicator 2

  • Temporal1 (str, default: 'DOY' ) –

    column name of temporal indicator 1

  • Spatio_blocks_count (int, default: 10 ) –

    How many block to split for spatio indicators

  • Temporal_blocks_count (int, default: 10 ) –

    How many block to split for temporal indicators

  • test_size (float, default: 0.3 ) –

    Fraction of test set in terms of blocks count

  • random_state (Union[None, int], default: None ) –

    random state for choosing testing blocks


  • Tuple[DataFrame, DataFrame, ndarray, ndarray]

    X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test

Source code in stemflow/
def ST_train_test_split(
    X: DataFrame,
    y: Sequence,
    Spatio1: str = "longitude",
    Spatio2: str = "latitude",
    Temporal1: str = "DOY",
    Spatio_blocks_count: int = 10,
    Temporal_blocks_count: int = 10,
    test_size: float = 0.3,
    random_state: Union[None, int] = None,
) -> Tuple[DataFrame, DataFrame, ndarray, ndarray]:
    """Spatial Temporal train-test split

            Training variables in DataFrame format
            Training target in DataFrame or numpy array format
            column name of spatial indicator 1
            column name of spatial indicator 2
            column name of temporal indicator 1
            How many block to split for spatio indicators
            How many block to split for temporal indicators
            Fraction of test set in terms of blocks count
            random state for choosing testing blocks

        X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test
    # random seed
    rng = check_random_state(random_state)

    # validate
    if not isinstance(X, DataFrame):
        type_x = str(type(X))
        raise TypeError(f"X input should be pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, Got {type_x}")
    if not (isinstance(y, DataFrame) or isinstance(y, ndarray)):
        type_y = str(type(y))
        raise TypeError(f"y input should be pandas.core.frame.DataFrame or numpy.ndarray, Got {type_y}")

    # check shape match
    y_size = np.array(y).flatten().shape[0]
    X_size = X.shape[0]
    if not y_size == X_size:
        raise ValueError(f"The shape of X and y should match. Got X: {X_size}, y: {y_size}")

    # indexing
    Sindex1 = np.linspace(X[Spatio1].min(), X[Spatio1].max(), Spatio_blocks_count)
    Sindex2 = np.linspace(X[Spatio2].min(), X[Spatio2].max(), Spatio_blocks_count)
    Tindex1 = np.linspace(X[Temporal1].min(), X[Temporal1].max(), Temporal_blocks_count)

    indexes = [
        str(a) + "_" + str(b) + "_" + str(c)
        for a, b, c in zip(
            np.digitize(X[Spatio1].values, Sindex1),
            np.digitize(X[Spatio2].values, Sindex2),
            np.digitize(X[Temporal1].values, Tindex1),

    unique_indexes = list(np.unique(indexes))

    # get test set record indexes
    test_indexes = []
    test_cell = list(rng.choice(unique_indexes, replace=False, size=int(len(unique_indexes) * test_size)))

    tmp_table = pd.DataFrame({"index": range(len(indexes)), "cell": indexes})

    tmp_table = tmp_table[tmp_table["cell"].isin(test_cell)]
    test_indexes = tmp_table["index"].values

    # get train set record indexes
    train_indexes = list(set(range(len(indexes))) - set(test_indexes))

    # get train test data
    X_train = X.iloc[train_indexes, :]
    y_train = np.array(y).flatten()[train_indexes].reshape(-1, 1)
    X_test = X.iloc[test_indexes, :]
    y_test = np.array(y).flatten()[test_indexes].reshape(-1, 1)

    return X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test